1. Fellow Brooklynites and dear pals D & M moved to Budapest. They've been doing some wide-eyed blogging of their own at Curious Expeditions.
2. Taxes. PUKE.
3. In a strange twist of fate, I'm currently writing a kids' book called NASCAR's Greatest Moments. Between watching NASCAR highlights on youtube, drinking Hungarian moonshine, and listening to Dolly Parton on repeat, I'm teetering on the brink of redneckishnessdom. Rick says I'm practically hunting deer with a bow and arrow. By the way, the more you learn about NASCAR, the more you realize that Talladega Nights is eerily accurate.
4. Worrying about money, then getting more freelance work, then going out to fancy expensive pizza twice in one week, then remembering that we actually (oops) haven't been paid for books we haven't even started. One book is about Musical Sampling and Remixing (OK, fine.) The other is entitled...wait for it...American Idol Stories: Taylor Hicks! Aren't you jealous? Apparently he has a fan club nicknamed "the soul patrol."
5. Discovering a number of really cool and fun teahouses where you sit on the floor.
6. Writing an 8-episode series of (podcast) radio plays, to produced this summer (hopefully! cross your fingers please) by the ladies of Red Metal Mailbox. It's about Coney Island!
7. Feeling sad about missing so many important weddings and graduations back home this summer.
8. But at least it's Spring!

9. Eating ice cream every day we get warm weather. That's one Hungarian custom I can get behind.
10. Can't be bothered to blog, apparently.
Recent Notable Conversations:
1. D, on the last night's Besho Drom show:
"That electronic saxophone makes them sound like the alien band in Star Wars."
2. Rick, on the Hungarian rappers who opened for Besho Drom:
"It's weird to watch rap and not understand any lyrics. I kinda feel like I'm in Pootie Tang."
3. Me, during a four-hour political conversation:
"You really think he's the hidden hand behind everything that's happened in America for the last 40 years? You're telling me George H. W. Bush is the Suge Knight of American politics?"